Annual Day Celebration 2024 - 25
Punarmilana (Alumni Meet 2025)
School Parliament Session
Inter Religious Diwali 2024
Annual Athletic Meet 2024
M K Gandhi & Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanthi
Twinning Staff Enhancement Programme - B lore
Capacity Building Programme on IPP
Session on Mental Health of Adolescents - BLDE Team Vijayapur
Rainbow Day (KG)
Parents Day 2024
Visit of President of BJECS 2024
Teachers Day
ARIVU 2024
Loyola Family Fun Fest 2024
Birds Day (KG) 2024
Independence Day 2024
Feast of School Patron - St Ignatius
Inigo Cup 2024
Red Day (Kindergarten)
Investiture Ceremony (School Cabinet 2024-25)
International Yoga Day
Inter Religious Prayer service
Aasoka Textbook Training
Social Analysis - Grade X
Reopening Day
Staff Orientation
Inauguration Of Academic year
Kinder Graduation day
Passing Out Parade Grade X (2023-24)
Loyola Cup 2024 - Cricket for Auto drivers
PUNARMILANA-Alumni Reunion 2024
75th Republic Day 2024
Annual Day 2023-24
Christmas Sahamilana 2023
Class Picnics Day 2023
Grand parents Day 2023
Educational Tour 2023
Workshop on Career Guidance & Planning 2023
Constitution Day 2023
Childrens Fun Fest 2023
School Parliament Session 2023
Annual Sports Meet 2023
Inter School Sports Meet
Kannada Rajyotsava 2023
Talenton 2023 (VI - X)
TALENTON 2023 (KG to V)
Gandhi & Lal Bahadur Jayanthi
Shramadhan by Staff
Shramadhan at Sindagi Town by Scouts, Guides, NCC & Grade VII students
Hindi Diwas
Social Science Day
Capacity Building Prog - "Happy Classroom"
National Games Day
New Basketball facility inaugurated
SCI-XPLORE (Inter School Science Exhibition)
Teacher's Day
Flowers Day (Pre Primary)
SRUJANA 2023 - Inter School Debate & Elocution Competition
A Day at Govt. schools
School Cabinet Outreach Programme to SJT Vijayapur
Fun Fest 2023 for Staff
Investiture Ceremony
Umbrella Day (Pre Primary)
School Patron Day Celebration
Training programme for Grade X parents
Inter Class English Skit Competition
Inter- Class Debate Competition
Training Prog for Staff
Loyola Kite Festival
Intramural games
Gandhi & Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanthi celebration
Staff Outreach Programme to Govt. Hospital
11 Scouts & Guides Excel in State Level Rajyapuraskar Exam
Animals Day (Pre Primary)
Hindi Day Celebration
Staff orientation & Academic Planning (May 11-13)
Social Outreach (Distribution of Stationery Items to Government Schools)
Teachers' Day Celebration 2022
Pink Colour Day
National Games Day - Aug 29
Training programme on Social Analysis (Class IX & X)
School Parliament Session
75th Independence Day 2022
Inter Class SpellBee Grand Finale
JESCOL Training Prog for Staff - Aug 6, 7 & 13
Leadership Training for Cabinet Members
Fruits Day (Pre Primary)
Feast day
Training Prog for Class X parents
International Malala Day
Training in Debating Skills (VIII, IX & X)
Bakrid Celebration
Meditation classes - Saturdays
Orientation for Support Staff
staff orientation
Vanamahotsava - Pre Primary
Anti Tobacco day
Blue Colour Day - Pre Primary
Cabinet Elections
elections 2
Environment Day 2022
Inauguration of Academic Year
International Yoga Day 2022
investiture ceremony
Orientation for Class X
Orientation programme for Teachers
We had one day teacher’s orientation programme for primary teachers. Mrs. Angelina George enlightened the teachers to learn skills and techniques in class room and teaching.
Read MoreSt.Ignatius Feast
In preparation for St. Ignatius Feast various competitions were held for students. Quiz competition was held for high school students in order to know more about the life of St. Ignatius. Staff of Loyola School CBSE and Sangama CIRD gathered together for the celebration. Thus we have taken part in sharing the Joy with Jesuit fathers and brother.
Read MoreIndependence Day
“Nothing is more precious than Independence and Liberty”
75th years of Independence Day was celebrated in the school with the staff only. Staff added beautyto the celebration by performing dance and patriotic song. The chief guest spoke and enlightened us on unity and diversity, democracy and human rights.
National sports day
On 30th August 2021 National sports day was celebrated in school. On the occasion of National sports day various sporting activities were conducted for high school students. Sports help to develop mentally and physical health. Certificates were given to winners.
Read MoreParents Teachers Meeting
On 1st September parents teachers meeting was held in school.Parent’s opinion was asked regarding reopening the school. Parents had given consent letter to the management. Sr. Hilaria counsellor of Loyola School CBSE has spoken about child psychology.
Read MoreTeachers Day
On 4th September teacher’s day was celebrated in the school. Principal Rev. Fr. Royan Cyril Castelino addressed the gathered students. Cultural programmes and games were organised by the students. Teachers took an active part in all activities. Winners were awarded as the best teacher in various fields. Meal and outing was arranged by the management.
Read MoreHindi Diwas
On 14th September Hindi Diwas was celebrated in the school. During the school assembly Principal Rev. Fr. Royan Cyril Castelino expressed his thoughts about Hindi diwas. Students had delivered speech about Hindi Diwas with great enthusiasm.
Read MoreInvestiture Ceremony
On 25th September we celebrated the investiture ceremony. The chief guest for the ceremony was Mohammad Patel Biradar of Municipal Council Member of sindagi addressed the newly elected cabinet members....
Read MoreVisit of Jesuit Provincial of Karnataka (Fr. Dion Vas)
All the staff gathered in the auditorium happily to welcome Fr. Dion Vas the provincial of Karnataka. Jesuits we the Loyolalitesextended a warm welcome byperforming Aarathi. He enlightened us during his speech the new education system and how to handle the online classes effectively....
Read MoreGandhi Jayanthi
On 2nd October Gandhi and Lal Bahuddur Shastri Jayanthi was celebrated in the school. Principal Rev. Fr. Royan Cyril Castelinoand Vice principal Sr. Helen garlanded the portrait of Mahatma Gandhiji and Lal Bahadur Shatri.....
Read MoreTeachers Training on NEP
All the teachers attended teachers training on NEP which was held in Loyola School. Fr. Rohan D’Almeda was the resource personhe gave input session on New Education Policy.....
Read MoreKannada Rajyotstava
On 1stNovember Kannada Rajyothsava was celebrated in the school. Kannada club teachers organised various competitions to all the students. Winners awarded with the prizes sponsored by Kannada Association Sindagi.
Read MoreDiwali Celebration
On 3rd November a Short Diwali celebration was held during the assembly. Students spoke about the significance of the Diwali festival. Fr. Cyril spoke about the importance of light in every religion. Short prayer service done by the students.
Read MoreChildren’s Day
“Children’s are the back bone of the nation”
We celebrated children’s day. On Nov 15 we began the programme with prayer dance, greeting song. We paid homage to Chacha Jawaharlal Nehru the great lover of children. Various competitions were held and winners were awarded on this great day.
Constitution Day
In order to remind our fundamental rights we have taken a pledge and recited preamble during assembly. Dr. B.R Ambedkar’s Portrait was garlanded and paid the respect.
Read MoreChristmas celebration
Christmas is a time of celebration, exchanging gifts, visiting friends, and sharing the joy. In order to celebrate Christmas all of us were prepared in one way or the other.
Read MoreNew Year celebration
During the assembly we had a short celebration to begin a new year. Principal Fr. Cyril Castelino gave ABC formulas on positive attitude that one has to practice in our life. With great enthusiasm andhaving freshness in our mind we wished each other.
Read MoreNational Youth Day
Short enactment on the life of Swami Vivekananda was presented by the primary students. The day was highlighted to give Importance to youth and lead them on the right path to make better choice in their life.
Read MoreSankranti Festival
Givenimportance to the local festival by celebrating Sankranti. Stage was decorated with significant symbols and Rangoli.
Read MoreDiscipline Week
Discipline is the bridge between goals and Accomplishments”.
Every person needs discipline in life to achieve something. This day was marked by appreciating the student for maintaining cleanliness and discipline in the campus.
Republic Day
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes in the world.In order to give more importance to the rights thatwe have, each class was insisted to learn the preamble and to held competition in reciting the preamble....
Read MoreLibrary Week
Library week was celebrated in the second week of February.Competitions like essay writing, speech competition, class room decoration were held to encourage students to fall in love with the habit of reading and using library. The books exhibition in the library was centre of attraction to all those who visit the library in Loyola School.
Read MoreArrupe Science Fest 2020
“Arrupe Science Fest 2020,” an inter-school Science Exhibition was held. Along with our school. Loyola School, Vijayapur. Nirmalayalaya School, Almel, JMJ School, Devarahippargi participated in this mega science event.....
Read MoreBirthday of Baden Powels
On 22nd February 2021, the Scouts and Guides Association of the Loyola School celebrated the birthday of Baden Powel the founder of Scouts and Guides. The guests Sir Basavaraj Sompur and Sharanbasava Langoti spoke to us about the renowned person sir Baden Powel.
Read MoreCareer Guidance
For the students of class IX & Xth a seminar on career guidance was organized on 20th of March 2021. Sr Judith as a resource person spoke on the importance of career in each person’s life and how this could shape their future.
Read MoreDDPI Visit
The newly appointed DDPI of Vijayapura Dist visited our school on 22.01.2021.
Read MoreRepublic day
On the 26th January 2021 we had a simple celebration held at Loyola School CBSE Sindagi. Fr.Alwyn Dsouza, the Manager of the school hoisted the flag and spoke about the importance of the day in our country.
Read MoreValedictory Function
On 17th April, Saturday in Loyola CBSE School Sindagi the bid farewell to Rev. Fr.Balaraju, the Finance Officer of our school and to the students of class 10th. It was indeed an emotional moment.
Read MoreCounseling
On the 19th of March 2021 for the students of 6th to 10th standard counseling session was organized. Sr Judith UFS from Mangalore was the resource person. Around 58 students benefited from it.
Read MoreWomen’s day
On the 8th March 2021 we celebrated the women’s day in a simple way. Fr.Balaraju expressed his opinion on the importance of the day and thanked the women staff working in the Institution.
Read MoreInauguration of Skills Room
Online Classes
On the basis of the directions by the government and the parents suggestions the school decided to go ahead with online classes for the students from 1st to 10th
Read MoreOnline Training Programme
Amidst the troubling periods of COVID-19 teachers were provided with numerous online learning programmes organized by the CBSE COE Chennai.
Read MoreEnvironment day
The Environment day was celebrated on 5-06-2020 by planting 500 saplings in the school campus.
Read MoreFeast of St. Ignatius of Loyola
St. Ignatius feast was celebrated on 30-7-2020 at Loyola Nivas. The school officials and teachers took part in this event. The winners of the competitions held on behalf of the feast were rewarded on this day.
Read MoreIndependence Day
73rd Independence Day was celebrated on 15-8-2020 Saturday by keeping in mind the Covid-19 guidelines. Fr.Balaraju SJ the Finance Officer of the School hoisted the flag and delivered the speech on Independence Day.
Read MoreGandhi Jayanthi
The school celebrated Gandhi Jayanti andLal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti on 2-10-20 Saturday. Under the guidance and the leadership of Fr.Alwyn D’souza the manager and Sr.Milagrin, the Principal the school. 100 saplings were planted in the school garden.
Read MoreSocial outreach program
The year 2020 has been a year soon to be forgotten. People’s life was troubled by the still prevailing corona virus and floods amidst these entire struggle the Jesuits have been a step forward in collecting funds and in providing basic need to the people.
Read MoreProvincials Visit
The newly appointed Provincial Superior of Karnataka Jesuit Province Rev.Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ visited our school on 17th of November. He addressed the staff members, expressed his gratitude for their selfless service.
Read MoreSamvidhan Divas
26th of November Constitution Day was celebrated. The staff along with support staff took the pledge to follow fundamental duties.
Read MoreRoad Safety Programme
On 17th February we had a short program on the Road safety. The National Road Authorities Mr Christopher Furtado & Sir Sangamesh Hosmani, P.S.I. Sindagi the Chief Guests spoke on the importance of the road safety rules.
Read MoreAmbedkar Jayanthi
On 14th of April staff along with the students of class 10th celebrated the Ambedkar Jayanthi. Rev. Fr.Balaraju, the Finance Officer of our school paid homage to Baba Saheb Ambedkar by garlanding the portrait of Ambedkar.
Read MoreChristmas day
On the 23rd of December 2020 Loyola School Sindagi hosted a short and simple Christmas programe. Games were conducted for the teachers and winners were rewarded.
Read MoreKarnataka Jesuit CBSE schools Sports Meet
On the 30th day of August, 2019 St. Joseph’s CBSE School, Bangalore had organized sports meet for all the Jesuit CBSE Schools in Karnataka. A few students from our school accompanied by the teachers participated in this sports meet....
Read MoreTeachers’ day celebration
Teachers’ day was celebrated in a colourful way on Thursday, September 05, 2019. All the teachers were the esteemed guests of the day. The students took the initiative to plan put and execute the entire programme ....
Read MoreGandhi Jayanti celebration
Gandhi Jayanti was celebrated on 2nd of October 2019 in the school premises. Fr Alwyn D’Souza and Sr Milagrin were the guest of the day. They garlanded the portrait of Mahatma Gandhiji. The students took over the program with a patriotic song, students delivered speech on the life and events of Mahatma Gandhiji ....
Read MoreAnnual Sports Meet-2020
Sports day was held on 6th of November 2019 in Loyola School campus. Mr Anirudh Vishwanath Loni was the chief guest, Fr Anthony Dass , president of BJECS, Fr Lumnesh, Mr SS Malled and Mr MM Kembavi were the other guest of the day. ....
Read MoreNew Year Celebration
All the students were present with colourful dresses and sweets, this was a blissful event to begin the New Year. The New year cake was cut and the Manager wished the students and staff with his wonderful New Year Message.......
Read MoreKarnataka Rajyothsava
It is a day of pride to every Kannadigas. To make this day memorable a short and sweet programme was organized. A renowned Kannada thinker was invited as the chief guest. His fiery speech enkindled love for the state and the language of the state. Prizes were distributed to those who had won the competitions held prior to this day to encourage love for Kannada. ....
Read MoreChildren’s Day
14th of November 2019, children’s day was celebrated in the quadrangle of Loyola School. Fr Alwyn D’Souza, the manager and the cabinet ministers were the guest of the program. They were specially greeted and welcomed by the teachers by singing a song and followed by garlanding the portrait of Nehruji.....
Read MoreSocial outreach program
Social outreach program was conducted to the upper primary students of our school on 22nd of Nov 2019. They visited a deaf and dumb school which is situated in a nearby village. Sr Milagrin and the head of that specially abled institution were present.....
Read MoreBan Plastic Campaign
The Social Outreach wing of the School organized “Ban Plastic” campaign. They went to the surrounding villages in the evening and distributed bags made out of newspapers to the villagers and took short rallies shouting out the slogans highlighting the dangers posed by use of plastic......
Read MoreChristmas Celebration
On 21st of December 2019 Christmas was celebrated in the Loyola campus. Fr Lumnesh, Fr Alwyn and Sr Milagrin were the guests of the day. The programme started with inauguration ceremony continued with cultural program. It was a day of joy; all the students and parents enjoyed the programme.......
Read MoreRepublic day
Republic day was celebrated on Sunday 26th of January. It was beautifully organised in the school quadrangle. An army perso was the guest of honour for the program. The program begin with the honouring and garlanding the portraits of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr BR Ambedkar, flag hoisting.....
Read MoreLibrary Week
The third week of February was observed as “Library Week” in our School. Several competitions like Quiz, Speech, quotes writing, Essay Writing, class room library were held to encourage students to fall in love with the habit of reading and using library.....
Read MoreScouts’ and Guides’ Installation Ceremony
After rigorous training and discipling the candidates the ceremonial installation ceremony was held in the month of February 2020. Representatives from “Bhaatiya Scouts and Guides” headquarters and the district level officials were present.....
Read MoreTeachers’ day celebration
Teachers’ day was celebrated in a colourful way on Thursday, September 05, 2019. All the teachers were the esteemed guests of the day. The students took the initiative to plan put and execute the entire programme....
Read MoreIndependence Day
It was an honour to have Mr. M. Ramesh, a recently retired soldier as our guest for the day. In order to show our solidarity with the recent flood victims all over the country we had a simple yet meaningful program. A few parents also joined us. ......
Read MoreInauguration of clubs
As the academic year kick started various clubs like English, Kannada, Hindi, Human Rights, Inter-Religious Harmony, Art, Sports clubs were inaugurated...
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